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Ultrasound is a safe, noninvasive and non-painful procedure that does not require anesthesia and very seldom will require sedation. Compared to traditional radiographs, ultrasound can provide more information with regards to the architecture of internal organs, as a 3 dimensional view is obtained.

Ultrasound also provides video clips showing organs and blood flow in real time. It is a better diagnostic tool for bladder stones, as some do not appear on a radiograph. It can detect pregnancy earlier than x-rays (as early as 3 weeks) and also allows us to determine the viability of the fetus. It can also identify thickening of the intestinal tract wall and help localize the affected area. It can help identify a tumor and more precisely locate its origin.

We feel that this kind of imaging is a step forward in being able to offer the best medicine for your pet. We are fortunate to have an ultrasound specialist come to the clinic in these cases. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.